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Shuting Lin passed defense. Congrats, Dr. Lin!
Qiu Lab participates in new ARPA-H project
Dr. Qiu is inducted as a Fellow into the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering
Sreenath Srikrishnan receives Outstanding Students in Bioinformatics award
Hong Seo (Bruce) Lim passed defense. Congrats, Dr. Lim!
New grant on scRNAseq Study of Crohn’s Disease
New NIH grant on synthetic biosensors, co-led by Gabe Kwong and Peng Qiu
New NIH T32 program (InQuBATE at GT) for students interested in integrative and quantitative biosciences, co-led by Joshua Weitz and Peng Qiu
Peng Qiu received award of Wallace H. Coulter Distinguished Faculty Fellow
NSF project awarded to explore the utility of dropouts in single-cell genomics
NIH/NIAID project funded to develop automated gating tools for flow cytometry
Dropout-based clustering of scRNAseq published in Nature Communications
Gut Cell Atlas project funded
We are one of the Group III teams. Our focus is computational algorithms for analysis and interpretation of single-cell RNAseq data.